John Edwards, with his 400 dollar haircuts, immoral acts, and lack of conscience, is the most disgusting American I know of. He makes Bill Clinton look good.
I will never forget when he tried to run for president. A Democrat woman tried to make excuses for his 400 dollar haircuts, by saying that haircuts cost a lot in Washington. She was so brainwashed by her party that it never dawned on her that he could get a cheaper haircut when he went to his own state on weekends.
I will say he has a nice hair do, but my question is: were his haircuts paid for by his campaign donations? Or government funds? Liberal Democrats don't pay their own bills when they can make the public do it.
As for lack of conscience, what kind of guy goes around and has sex with blond floozies while he wife is in bed dying of cancer? I have never heard of anyone that low before. Now, this woman has been making the TV shows, and of course she has a book she is promoting-and will get rich for commiting adultry with a married man.
His trial, for illegal spending of campaign funds, was nothing but a circus. The liberal stacked jury were obviously on his side. One of the females even flirted with him during the trial. I am sure she met him at a motel later.
They treated the trial as a joke. They even color matched their clothes as part of the fun they were having.
I think this is a good example of America's decaying society. When I was a kid, the screaming all across the country would be deafening. Now, if you walked down the street and asked people about this trial, they would say: huh? However, if you asked them about Madonna showing her privates in a Muslim country, they know about that.
If the Democratic Party continues to back John Edwards, I will lose what little respect I have for them. I think someone should try to restore the morals in this country, and try to be an example to the world like we used to be.
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