People who at least attempt to educate themselves, know about Obama's War in Libya. A war of which he never even tried to get Congressional approval. A war which costs us an estimated 33 million dollars a day. And, we will never know what the taxpayers cost is.
Now, Obama has sent troops to Uganda. Again, without a Congressional vote, or public input. My questions for the Obama-worshipers who still believe in their "Messiah" are: what is the object? What is Obama's exit strategy? Why?
Another Democrat president named: Kennedy, like Obama, sent troops to Vietnam also as so-called "advisers". Then, Democrat president Johnson sent thousands more until 59,000 American soldiers were killed. And, many are still missing, and may still be in Vietnam prisons.
So, why is Obama, completely on his own, sending our military to war in foreign countries with no clear objective? I can answer that with one word: OIL.
He has done all he can to screw up the oil industry in American, while giving Brazil a fortune to develop their offshore oil drilling (he stopped US offshore drilling for 7 years). And, he promised that the US will be their "best customer".
George Soros, who is a rich socialist, gave millions of dollars to Obama to help him get elected. Soros is rich mostly from his oil investments. Does anyone think he gave Obama money without wanting something in return?
The evidence shows that Soros has oil investments in Libya and Uganda both. He wants our troops to work for him and defend his oil wells. If someone had the guts to investigate all this, and make it public, I believe they would show that Obama is working for Soros.
Of course that won't happen when the Democrats control the media.
You can read much more about this at Just search for "Why U.S. military in Uganda? It is an eye opener.
Or, you could keep yourself in ignorance, watch Dancing With The Stars, and pay your taxes like good peons.