Nobody is ALL bad, and nobody is ALL good either. So, since Obama was elected 2 years ago now, I have tried to find something he has done that is good. The only thing I know of is he has raised the price of gold.
When he was elected, the price of gold was 850 bucks an ounce. Now, it is 1,380 dollars an ounce. And, it is going up every day. I have my computer set so that it tells me instantly what the price of gold, silver, and platinum is.
Of course the increase of the value of gold is only good when you own gold. And, who does? When 10 to 30% of American workers are unemployed, (depending on which part of the country), do you think they have gold? Many of them are lucky to have a sandwich. That's called: Obamanomics.
What is really bad, is when gold goes up that means the value of the dollar is going down. You can't just print money, and borrow from Communist China trillions of dollars, without decreasing the value of the dollar.
Have you noticed how the price of imported things have gone up--like oil, tires, steel, lumber, etc.? Food will be next, as much of it is imported now. Actually, imported goods would cost more than they do, but our recession is causing recessions all over the world.
I am afraid, with what the Obamacrats in Washington are doing, our country is going to go bankrupt. Are you ready to go back to the barter system? Do you think your doctor will take a couple chickens for delivering that baby?
Oh well, as your standing in the soup kitchen, just blame Bush--Obama still does. I just wish I had bought some gold when Bush was president.