I have studied the candidates for governor of Wyoming. And, I will vote for Ron Micheli.
I am critical of government. We have too many leftists in control of this country, and we don't need any more. So, I look for someone who has conservative values. Mr. Micheli passes the test with flying colors.
He has experience in business--he is a 4th generation rancher. That covers everything. I know, I am a 4th generation rancher too. A rancher can do bookwork, fix machinery and pickups, knows the cattle business and foreign trade issues, and is at home on a saddle or a desk chair (I prefer the saddle).
Ron Micheli has executive experience too. He served as the Director of The Department of Agriculture. He knows how state agencies work. He will hold them responsible during budgeting.
He was in the Wyoming house of Representatives for 16 years. He held positions like: Majority Floor Leader, Speaker Pro Tempore, Majority Whip, and Chairman of the House Revenue Committee. He was known for protecting the taxpayers, the unborn children, and supported the Constitution.
He is more conservative, I believe, then the other candidates. Wyoming is a conservative state, so that's what most of us want. For instance, if you don't believe in aborting babies, then he's your best candidate. If you believe in state's tenth amendment and second amendment rights, he is your man.
If you think your taxes are too high, businesses are under attack, the future of our country is in a crisis, then you think like Ron Micheli. He said: "I am running for governor because I love Wyoming and Wyoming's people".
This Saturday, 10:30 AM, at the Sheridan Holiday Inn, the candidates for governor will have a Gubernatorial Panel. The public is invited. So go ask questions for yourself-as I have. Educate yourself before you vote.
There are a couple of other candidates that are not too bad,but Ron Micheli stands out from the rest. So, why vote for second for third best, when you can vote for the best? He has my vote.