Monday, March 24, 2008

Hussein Obama

Unless someone lives in a cave, they know by now what kind of a guy Obama is. His racist, bigoted, hate mongering, preacher says it all. He literally cusses America, etc.
When people go to a church, it is because they believe in, and agree with their preacher. You can go to,,, or other online sites and see videos of Obama's church services-and his pastor Wright. It is scary to think we might have someone like Obama in the White House-with access to nukes!
Here is what I wrote last week:
A person in Sheridan, Wy asked, in an editorial, what the facts are about Barack Obama? I will attempt to answer that somewhat. But, it is not easy. The liberal media is keeping quiet about his background, to suit their agenda, which is to get him elected.
I have been trying to learn what I can about this guy. And this is what I believe are the facts: If I am wrong on anything, someone let us know-with verifiable sources. No gossip or plain bull.
The liberal media, and political parties, have suppressed anyone calling this guy by his full name, which is: Barack Hussein Obama. They don't want anyone to know he has a Muslim name, and a name like the former dictator of Iraq. So, I will call him Hussein Obama from now on.
He was born to a Muslim father from Kenya, and a white American mother (she may be an atheist). As with 60% of black American fathers (numbers from Bill Cosby), Hussein Obama's father abandoned his family. He went back to Africa.
Obama's mother married another black Muslim, and they went to live in Indonesia, which has the most Muslims per capita, than any country in the world. Hussein Obama went to Muslim schools, and was registered as a Muslim.
Simply put, Obama was born and raised a Muslim.
Supposedly Obama changed his religion to Christian. He goes to a black supremist church, where the preacher is in trouble right now for his non-religious political activities, AKA federal crimes. Obama is using this church to promote himself and raise money for himself. He has given this church over $22,000 since he has been a member.
If Obama did actually change from Muslim to Christian, as he wants us to believe, he would be killed if he still lived in a Muslim country.
I don't know if Obama swore on a Koran when elected to senate, I haven't been able to find facts on that yet. I don't think he would do that if elected to president, as that would detract from his agenda. Which is: power.
The first thing Obama, or Mrs. Clinton, would do, is raise taxes. Of course, those who live on the backs of working people, like that. More handouts for them.
The next thing Hussein Obama, would do, is pass laws against our gun rights. He, and Hillary, have voted that way already. He will have a Democrat controlled congress to help him do that.
If someone doesn't know that Democrats raise taxes, pass laws against our gun rights, and are pro-abortion, they are very ignorant of the facts. Also, does anyone think they tell us that before they get elected? Wake up people!
I am going to vote for the least leftist of the 3 candidates left: John McCain. Is he the best? No, but he is the best one