He had a rally for himself recently, and according to the Democrat News Shows, 10,000 sheeple showed up. Are people braindead?
If those people want to live in a liberal/socialist/communist country, why don't they move to Cuba, Vietnam, or Russia? Why screw up America and our way of life that our forefathers fought and died for?
I imagine Bernie's sheeple don't care what they do to the country, they are just hoping someone will give them more handouts. That is why most people vote for Democrats anyway. But, this joker will take away more of our freedom that we haven't already lost.
No wonder intelligent, self-educated, people worry about the "Dumbing Down Of America". I believe that if anything brings down this country, it will be ignorance and apathy. Defeat from within.
I will have to say one thing for ol' Bernie, at least he admits he is a socialist. Obama and Hillary Clinton don't.
We will see how asine the voters are this time. Remember they elected Barack Hussein Obama twice. I have lost confidence that they will use their head for more than a hat rack this time either.
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