Monday, October 14, 2013

Patriotic Protesters in DC

Please share... A true Americn....

 I am so proud of the patriots who had the rally in Washington DC, on 10/13/13. The hundreds of trucks who swamped the streets, and especially the veterans who forced open the WWII Memorial, that Obama closed down, so that the 90 year old war heros wouldn't have to look at it through the   bars of the "barry-cades".
 In fact the veterans carried Obama's barry-cades away and piled them in front of the White House, where snipers on the roof trained their rifles on them.
 I have published a picture of one of the veterans on my Conservative Bill Sez blog. The man has man-made legs, from fighting for his country. And he is carrying a section of barricade on his segway, to be deposited in front of the White House.
 I would like to see that man interviewed on one of the Obamcrat news shows on tv. It won't happen. In fact, I will be surprised if any of the Democrat controlled newspapers, such as The Sheridan Press, in my hometown of Sheridan WY, will publish this.
 This news should be in every newspaper in the country. It will only be in a few, which is why there are fewer readers. I still like a paper newspaper to read though. But, I want all the news, not just propaganda.
 October 13, 2013 will go down in history as the day patriots made a big statement, in spite of lack of news coverage.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Iraq/Chicago Deaths

 Why doesn't Obama complain about the crime in his adopted hometown of Chicago? Because this is what happens when Democrats control a city for decade after decade, because the low information voters vote for more promised handouts, instead of freedom and the Constitution.
 The Democrats take guns away from law-abiding citizens so that only the government and criminals have them. As in Chicago and Detroit, you see what happens then.
 Oh well, just watch Dancing With The Stars and play video games, while the country goes down the sewer. And, vote for a Obama.
That is really intelligent.