Thursday, June 19, 2008

Global Warming by Al Gore

I got a kick out of the news article in the Sheridan Press (Wyoming) about how there hasn't been any camping activities in the mountains, because of too much SNOW.

What happened to all the "Global Warming" that the hero of the Democrats, Al Gore, has been preaching? I thought we were all supposed to burn up because cows belch and power plants smoke. Hmmmm

Is there something fishy going on? Maybe the Republicans have gotten Mother Nature to turn down the thermostat so they can show how foolish people are for believing this Bull.

This environmentalist wacho movement has become a kind of religion, with Al Gore as their Pope. They are using their religion to prevent new power plants, oil refinery's, oil drilling, and tread on property rights.

By the way, where was Ol' Al when we had the coldest winter, and the coldest wettest spring, in decades? Farmers couldn't even plant their crops because of the cold wet weather.

After a year ago, when Gore couldn't preach at a show in New York City because it was canceled due to blizzards, he has been doing his snake oil show below the equator where the seasons are the opposite, and it is hot during our winter here.

And by the way, he and his leftist friends have a new story now. Tired of people laughing at his "Global Warming' story, they now call it "Climate Change". And they say it is colder now because the oceans currents have changed. They always have a way out.

But, aren't the oceans part of the globe? Can't they get warm too? Not in Ol' Al's religion, I guess.

The sad part of all this, is that parents have let the government schools brainwash their kids into believing all this baloney. And, the kids are adamant about it too. Or, was.

But, in the meantime Al Gore gets paid $125,000 dollars a show. Paid for by schools and other taxpayer funded organizations.

I believe this will be known to historians as the Global Warming Hoax, when actually it was a 9 year drought almost as bad as the dust bowl days of the 1930's.

In the meantime Al Gore rakes in the money. As PT Barnum, the circus owner, said "A fool is born every minute

So, who is the fool?