Monday, August 16, 2010

Micheli Attack

A lady wrote an op-ed stating she hoped the candidates would not stage dirty attacks on each other, and stick to the facts. Ron Micheli stated the same thing to me. Ironically, he is now the candidate being badmouthed.
Of course when Liberals and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) attack him, that shows me he is doing something right, and makes me want to elect him even more. I have interviewed him one on one, 3 times, and I am more impressed with him than any politician I have talked to. And, as a charter member of the RNC (Republican Nat’l Committee), I talk to many people in politics.
I am also an organizer for the Sheridan TEA Party. We had a demonstration at the Republican Convention-protesting some RINOs in the legislature. Ron Micheli, and later Cindy Hill (vote for her too), came to talk to us, and hear our complaints. I was impressed with that. When he says he is for the people– he has proven it to me.
I think that if he is governor, he will be for the common man. Unlike the rich elitists we see in Washington.
Micheli is not a rich man like Matt Mead (see all the ads?). And he doesn’t ride around in a $50,000 SUV like Rita Meyer does. He is one of us. A working man. Of course you should go to and donate a few bucks to help out (I have).
Micheli has promised to fight the Federal Takeover of Wyoming’s medical business. Rita Meyer has promised not to.
Vote for Ron Micheli by Aug. 17th if you value your freedom and constitutional rights. Or, just roost on the couch and complain. Some of us care about our country.