John Coleman, who founded The Weather Channel, says that there should be a lawsuit against the global warming claims by Al Gore and others. They should be sued in order to expose the truth.
And, he says "the weather channel has lost it's way". They are also harping about man-made global warming.
Mr Coleman spoke at the 2008 International Conference On Climate Change (March 3/08), in New York. He talked about the "fraud of global warming". He said to sue those who sell carbon credits, including Al Gore, and that would force a more honest account by the global warming alarmists, of the policies they propose.
And, he said the lawsuit, if taken up by lawyers, would "finally put some light on the fraud of global warming". The so-called experts would have to testify, under oath, and that would generate a lot of publicity.
Earlier at the conference, Lord Christopher Monckton, the advisor to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, said that science will eventually prevail. And, "the scare of global warming will go away". He said the courts are a good way to show the science.
So, more and more credible people are coming forward and proclaiming that this so-called "global warming" is a farce, and a scheme to make money.
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