I watched part of the Democrat convention. I listened to Barack Hussein Obama's wife try to convince everyone she was lying, when she said she has "never been proud of my country..." Not many people try to convince everyone they are, or were, a liar. But, that's politics. Anything to win.
She gushed about how she met her husband, and how great he is. I would expect nothing else from a good wife. Supposedly, he is not a skirt-chasing hound like ol' "Slick Willie" Clinton is. If true, I give him credit for that.
But, the sugar coated Bull just got a little too deep. I would rather hear more about Obamas' promises to raise taxes, and his record of voting for anti-gun rights laws. And, his promises to just talk when there is a threat to our country.
I caught part of Mrs. Clinton's spiel. I give her credit for being able to read a pretty good speech off her teleprompters. Her Democrat speech writers are getting better. It is too bad she doesn't mean half of what she says. Especially when she says she supporrts Obama. That Bull gets a little too deep too.
We decided we would rather go fishing, for our stomachs sake. So we went way back in the mountains where there are no TVs. Listening to the quiet for 3 days was pretty nice.
When we came back to town, a friend told me about McCain's running mate, and how they stole the Democrats thunder. I was as shocked as anyone.
Brilliant! We conservatives have someone to get excited about, and women can vote for a good decent woman. One who really will help change Washington- for the better.