Saturday, March 9, 2013

Obama Wants $500,000 To Tour Our White House

 Obama wants $500,000 to tour our White House. I am just amazed at the things the Democrat's messiah does-and gets away with.
 A few days ago, Obama, with one of his dictator-style edicts, stopped free access to the White House by the general public. School kids, and others, who had already scheduled tours, were turned away at the door. By armed guards-of course.
 However, Obama's buddies can come and go.
 You can give the money to Obama's political action committee (PAC): "Organizing For Action". Their job is to keep Obama in power, and elect more leftist Democrats like him.
 Obama cut off the public from the White House, in revenge for his own "Sequestor", which he invented about a year ago. He invented these draconian tax cuts, to try to force the Republicans in Congress to give him what he wants-again.
 Then, he went around scaring his worshipers about it. He preached against his own scheme. What is more amazing, is that there are those who still believe his bull.
 However, the Republicans found their backbone, and didn't give him what he wanted (more tax hikes). So, he is trying to make things more miserable for all of us. Such as his tax increases starting in January, 2013.
 Obama's sequestor is not all bad though. It is the only way the Democrats will ever cut spending.
                                                         "Conservative Bill"