On August 31, Obama is going to make his Iraq War "Mission Accomplished" speech. Of course he is going to try to take credit for what our soldiers have done. He will blame Bush--as usual. And, he is going to try to make excuses for his failed presidency.
The Democrat news shows say that 50,000 troops will stay in Iraq--indefinitely. Just like Japan, Germany, The Philippines, Cosovo, Kuwait, South Korea, and who knows where else. I have always believed that is why Bush Senior did not take over Iraq, during the liberation of Kuwait.
I wish when Obama reads the speeches his writers write for him, he would put one of his teleprompters near the camera, so it would look like he is talking to America. I wonder if his neck gets sore from jerking his head back and forth while reading the teleprompters on each side of him? It is starting to get comical.
He has been vacationing at Martha's Vineyard, which is a rich elitists playground. I wonder what that has cost us taxpayer's? But, I am sure it cost less than his wife's vacation to Spain. Anyone remember when Bush was attacked by the Democrat media for going to his ranch and clearing brush?
I just hope that when the voters pick a new president, they don't choose another "Community Organizer".