Wonder Woman Sara, has come down from the north, and met with some world leaders at the UN. And, she is preparing to help McCain full time. Also, to reply to the sewage spewed out by the Liberal Democrats and their accomplices in the Liberal Media.
I have never seen a woman attacked like this. When Billery was running for president, people were accused of being "gender biased" by her attack dogs in the Liberal Media, if one did not sing her praises for being a woman.
However, it is open season on Sara Palin. I guess the same rules don't apply to a Conservative Republican woman. I have never seen such dirty attacks. The leftists in the Democrat Party and the Liberal media, have sent over 100 bottom feeders to Alaska to dig up dirt on the Palins.
They say her husband got a DUI over 25 years ago. Oooooh how horrible! That must have been about the same time B. Hussein Obama was, by his own admission, smoking dope and snorting Cocaine. Have you heard the liberal media talk about that?
It depends on who you are. But, how many people would like the world to
know what they did 25 years ago?
The Dems and liberal media have attacked Palin for not aborting her baby, who has health problems. And, for not forcing her daughter to abort her baby--like they would do. That just proves the Palins take serious their stance that life is precious, and murder is murder.
I wonder how many of these critical liberals have killed their unborn babies? Did the Clinton's daughter abort any babies? Hmmm
Sara Palin is like a breath of fresh air in a smoky old pool hall. And,
80% of Alaskans approve of her. The Democrat Congress has a low as a 9% approval.
When you hear the leftists on tv badmouth Mrs. Palin, remember, she has a higher approval than Obama, Congress, and the President combined.