Like Elvis, the Democrats have left the House. Of course, people didn't want Elvis to leave.
For the ones who are going to mindlessly vote for Obama again: there are still some Dems left in the House of Representatives, and they still control the Senate and White House. They will still try to give you more handouts to buy your vote. With borrowed money from Communist China-of course.
This country is 14 Trillion dollars in debt, and the Dems have increased the debt ceiling nearly 2 Trillion bucks. Around March, they are going to try to increase the debt limit again. The TEA Party Republicans who got elected may be able to stop that though.
I don't think this means anything to most of the people living on the backs of the taxpayers, unless they lose their couch and cable TV. However, we TEA Party patriots are very concerned. You cannot tax and spend, and run this country deeper and deeper in debt, like the Democrat controlled Congress has done for 4 years, and Obama has done for 2.
The Obamacrats have spent more money, in the last two years, than ALL the previous administrations combined. Since this country was founded in 1776. That includes Bush, and the Democrat Congress who helped him spend.
I hope for the sake of the country, the new TEA Party Republicans in Congress can stop Obama's wild spending spree with money we don't have.
Our future depends on it.