George Lopez says he would move to Canada if Sara Palin gets elected president. All the more reasons to vote for her.
He said all Latinos would leave the country. Hmmm, maybe that is how we can get rid of most of the illegal aliens. I wonder if he is a legal citizen? Of course I wonder if his Messiah-Obama is a legal resident. I was not impressed with his fake birth certificate.
George Lopez said he has been south, so he would go north. That makes me wonder if he crawled under the fence too. Maybe someone should do a background check on this guy.
I used to like Lopez, but he has just shown what a socialist and Obama-worshiper he is. These Limosine Liberals, Rich Democrat Elitists, and Hollywood Heathens are amazing. They live like Kings, are filthy rich, and want to control we peons with socialism and high taxes.
Of course I expect as much from California-the land of fruits and nuts.