I caught alot of flak about my last op-ed, in which I asked if anyone knew where Obama was on Memorial Day (he didn't lay a wreath at Arlington Cemetery). All I knew was what the Democrat TV news shows said, which was that he was on vacation in Chicago. My other news sources said the same.
I read many op-eds defending Obama. Only one writer knew where he was exactly, and only because he knows a man who was there.
So, why do I need to get my info from The Heritage Foundation, the newspapers, The Competitive Enterprise Institute, Gallup, The Associated Press, Reuters, The BBC, Newsmax, Human Events, The GOP, The DNC, Ask.com, Google, etc.?
All I have to do is ask.
So, here is my next question to the same wise men: Why doesn't Obama have a birth certificate? If he had one, all he would have to do is stand on the White House steps and show it to his accomplices in the Media. They would be glad to proclaim to the world he has one.
That would stop all the lawsuits--which supposedly cost Obama a million dollars in lawyer fees so far. And, stop the conspiracy theorists. And, people like me wouldn't be called a "Birther" by the leftists in the media.
I know I am asking alot, and I don't expect a REAL answer. But, it will be fun to read all the excuses.