This is an article I wrote in 2008, and The Sheridan Press, in Sheridan Wy, refused to print it. It might apply to this winter too.
I just wanted to have it in my archives...
I just wanted to have it in my archives...
on 2/14/08 10:34 PM, Conservative Bill wrote:
Dear Bill,
Thanks for your letter. We've decided not to publish it (unless you want to pay for it as an advertisement, in which case please contact the ad department), because your views on Al Gore and global warming are by now well known to everyone who reads the Opinion page.
As always, we'd be glad to consider printing your views at no charge on a different subject. Best regards--Jeff Robison, Copy Editor
Here is more info on Pore Al Gore, and his paid propaganda speeches about so-called "Global Warming":
I have done some research on this phony, and it is a documented fact that he gets paid $125,000 per speech. And, probably, as no-one but the government would pay this ridiculous amount, he mostly makes his speeches at leftist colleges. In fact, he made two speeches, in one day, at a leftist government college, and got paid 375,000 bucks.
How do you like your taxes, that you work hard to pay, going to someone like that? If you like it, then don't bellyache about high taxes. The schools are living high on the hog if they can afford things like this.
I have not had a high opinion of Al Gore since he lied about the wool incentive plan, when he was vice-president. I taped him saying that "the wool incentive plan is paid by taxes on Americans" That was a bald-faced lie. It was paid by a duty tax on imported wool. And, only 20% of the import tax went to sheep farmers (10 bucks a sheep). The government got the rest.
He and ol' Slick Willie wanted to ruin the sheep business in this country, so they stopped the wool incentive plan, and did away with the import tax on foreign wool. They ruined the sheep business here, and helped the Australians and New Zealanders sell wool (and mutton) to America.
I wonder how much New Zealand and Australia gave to Clinton/Gore, to help them get elected? Always follow the money trail.
I wonder how much Bull people are going to believe, before they wake up, and use their head for more than a hat rack.
Right now, I have to shovel snow and try to start my pickup, it doesn't like below zero weather. I have had about all the "Global Warming" I can stand. I just hope it doesn't get cold!
"Conservative Bill" Ackerley
ps I am not sure the Press got this email
Dear Bill,
Thanks for your letter. We've decided not to publish it (unless you want to pay for it as an advertisement, in which case please contact the ad department), because your views on Al Gore and global warming are by now well known to everyone who reads the Opinion page.
As always, we'd be glad to consider printing your views at no charge on a different subject. Best regards--Jeff Robison, Copy Editor
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