I was against Bush's bailout of the wall street banks (TARP). At the taxpayer cost of 700 Billion dollars. Now, one of those banks, CIT, has gone bankrupt anyway. And, I wonder if Obama is going to throw more money at them-that we don't have. And, make them a ward of the state like he did Government Motors (GM). And others.
Of course he has about 60% of his Porkulus Bill money left-which is a crock anyway. The gov. doesn't have the money, they are just printing it by way of the Federal Reserve, and borrowing it from Communist China-whose southern region we have to kiss because we owe them billions of dollars already.
You people who keep yourself ignorant of what is going on with the Obamacrats in Washington, you had better start educating yourself. Your family will have to survive all this, somehow. Wait until your taxes skyrocket to support Obama's schemes, and your handouts from Medicare, Medicade, SCHIP, etc. are cut.
This is no time to sleep
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