Monday, October 20, 2008


At the beginning of the Biblical new year, which was at sundown September 29th on our Roman calendars, the stock market dropped 777.7 points. Was it a message from above? In the Bible, many things are in 7's. The sabbath is the 7th day (Saturday), farmers are supposed to let their fields rest the 7th year, and other things. I have wondered if the end times, will be when the earth is 7 thousand years old. Now, I don't believe it will last that long. According to the Jewish calender, which starts with Creation, we have started the 5770th year. The liberal teachers, in the government schools, preach there is no God, the world is here by accident, and it is millions of years old-give or take millions of years. Or, is it billions of years this week? The government bailout, that the Democrat controlled Congress just passed, is 7 hundred billion dollars. Working people will pay for others greed and corruption for maybe 7 decades-or more. Maybe Barack Obama Jr's racist hate preacher was right, when he said "America's chickens have come home to roost". I think the preachers should stop telling their sheeple that they are "saved" ahead of time-because they think they are, and start telling them that they might fry, after judgement day, if they don't clean up their act. Anyone who has shut off the TV, and read ALL of the Bible, knows that when the Israelites got too sinful as a country, they all had to pay for it. Another country would defeat them and sell them into slavery. When they learned their lesson, they would be liberated. Hedonism is taking over this country. Look at the TV shows. Does anyone protest this garbage? The kids are taught this stuff by their TV babysitter, and think it is normal behavior that they should emulate. Time will tell what is going to happen to us, but in the meantime, how long can you live on the food in your house when the stores close? Got beans?

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