Well, after 925 days, yes, 925 days, Hussein Obama finally went to Iraq!
And, he is the Liberal Democrats' hero for it. It's like no politician has
ever gone there before him. He was only there once before (McCain has been
there many times).
Of course, this "Messiah of the Democrats" has some of his love-sick
disciples, in the leftist/liberal media, with him to give him free promotion in their news shows.
I have never seen anything like it before. There is no unbiased reporting in the news anymore. It is all leftist and pro-Democrat. If McCain is able to prevail in this election, it will be because there are some voters left who can still think for themself. I am not so sure there are though.
The only reason Hussein Obama went to Iraq, for one day, is because of all the bad publicity he has been getting in Conservative circles. And, because the Democrats saw how stupid he looks, when he says he knows what is best for Iraq, and he has only been there once-a few years ago.
Of course it was safe for him to go there now, as the troop surge he fought against has worked (McCain was for it). Now, he wants to send more troops to Afghanistan. What is with that? I thought he was against troop surges.
And, don't forget he wants to bomb Pakistan. this guy is all over the place. With all his flip-flopping, and stuttering (when he doesn't have his teleprompters from his fancy speech writers in front of him), no-one knows what he will be for and against tomorrow.
It reminds me of when Ol' Slick Willie read the polls, and then said he
was for whatever was most popular at the time.
I can't believe anyone with any brains at all would ever consider a candidate that was born and raised a Muslim, and then who baptized his family into a racist/hate church 20 years ago. Anyone remember when the leftist/liberal media drilled into everyone's head that we couldn't have Mitt Romney for president because he is a Mormon? A church that does a lot of good for people of all colors, and Does Not Preach Hate.
Our country is teetering on the edge of a recession right now, and the Democrats want us to vote for a man who has promised to raise our taxes (about 4 times what they are now). You think gasoline is high now, just wait til he gets elected.
I have heard talk about the "dumbing down of America", but it is pure stupidity to want a president who won't even salute the flag, or put his hand on his heart for the National Anthem, and refuses to wear an American flag
pin-even the one given to him by a veteran.
If he gets elected, I wonder how that will be blamed on Bush.
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