Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Are Iraq War Veterans supported by Peacemakers?

I read a front page article about an Iraq war veteran, and then the badmouthing of him and our country by a leftist in Kansas City. Of course she speaks for the Tuesday Night Cut-n-Runners (the so-called Peacemakers) we hear from so much here in Sheridan, Wy.
A veteran told me that the thing that bothered him the most was coming back from the war and seeing the demonstrators on main street.
These people, most of whom are old hippies who fried their brains long ago with drugs, have always hated the military. Look at the Clintons. Ol' Slick Willie, and his Democrat Congress, they cut way back on funding and other things our troops need. After we were attacked on 9/11, G.W. Bush had a real job on his hands getting our war machine back on it's feet.
I tried to find a way to join our troops in Afghanistan, and help establish justice on the people who attacked us. It wasn't possible, but I have been very supportive of the ones who risk their lives for our way of life. And, that goes for all veterans.
They give their all, so we can have freedom, and the so-called "Peacemakers" take advantage of that freedom to make fools of themselves. These are the kind of people who will vote for either Billery or B. Hussein Obama, because they promise more handouts for loafers, and want to force our soldiers to cut and run. Just like what happened to our brave soldiers in Viet Nam.
Look what happened there: Viet Nam is now Communist, and that is what we were trying to prevent. The leftists in this country are happy with that though.
This Jennifer Knight, who doesn't even live in Sheridan, says: "we are in Iraq for one brutal reason--cheap oil". I have heard that asinine comment before. I want to know where this "cheap oil" is. Is 120 dollar a barrel oil cheap? The president must be hiding the "cheap oil" in the basement of the White House. And Bigfoot is guarding it.
I have talked to all the Iraq War soldiers I could. They have all told me that the people of Iraq appreciate us liberating them from a tyrant. I talked to an Iraqi man in Bangkok a couple years ago who told me the exact same thing. Freedom is a new experience for them, and they like it.
They were very proud of being able to vote. Most Americans don't even bother to get off the couch to do that. Our freedom is taken for granted, and we may lose it someday for that.
I wish more was done for the troops who fight for our country. I want them to know that there are many who may not say so publicly, but we really appreciate what they do for us.


Anonymous said...

Your insight is right on!! Keep up the good sense blogs,

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.