Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Obamacare Exposed

 Obamacare is worse than I thought. And, obviously I knew it would be bad. It is the biggest tax increase this country has ever seen. Especially if you include the fines and penalties it forces on us.
 I had the privilege of attending a meeting of Wyoming leaders. We shared our knowledge of what Obamacare was going to do to the US. Some of the things discussed were scary.
 I don't understand why people want the government to completely take over their healthcare. I guess they just think it will mean more handouts for them. However, the truth is, we will all have to pay out the nose.
 Here are some of the facts, and  I will have to be brief for space.
 First, the laughingly named "Affordable Care Act" bill is longer than the Bible (I checked). And, the Obamacrats hero: Nancy Pelosi said "We have to pass this bill so people can find out what's in it". The Dem-controlled Congress passed it and admitted they didn't even know what was in it (smart).
 Obamacare cuts Medicare $716 Billion. If I were an old retired person, I would be worried. But, most of them will vote for Obama-again.
 People who don't pay for Obamacare will be fined and could go to jail. Obama is hiring more IRS agents, as they will be in charge of forcing us  to pay. They will take the fines out of our tax refunds, and, if that is not enough, they will take the money out of our bank accounts-which they will have records of.
 They will also have computer records of every time you go to the doctor and why. If you had VD or an abortion when you were a kid, the gov. will have records of it when you are 90.
 Obamacare will bankrupt your insurance co. so you will have to get all your insurance from the Feds. Your premiums will go up 40 to 60% (mine have already).
 There will be fewer doctors. They don't want to get paid less and have more paperwork.
 States, employers, and individuals, will pay the price ($65 Billion) in ten years. Not the Feds who impose it.
 A 15 man "Death Panel" will decide who gets medical care (I remember when Obama told a lady that her 80 year old mother will get pain killers-and that's all).
 It stops FSA, HSA, and HRA deductions on income taxes.
  It stops tax deductions for employer-provided retirement drug coverage.
 A $50,000 a year fine on Charitable Hospitals who don't comply completely.
 Employers will have to pay for abortions, abortion pills and contraceptives.
 The tax increases are:
 Employers tax of up to $3,000 per year for each employee.
Taxes on investment income increases.
Capital Gains tax goes from 15% to 23.8% on $200.000+ incomes.
Some dividends and other investments go to 43.4%.
Medicare payroll tax.
Medical devices 2.3% more.
 Higher Blue Cross/Blue Shield costs.
A $2.3 Billion tax on inventive drug companies.
 A bio-fuel tax.
Insurance co. tax.
More taxes on comprehensive health insurance.
 And, the IRS can disallow any, and all, tax deductions to pay for Obamacare.
 Does anybody remember when Obama promised that he would not raise taxes on the middle class? That would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
 I have experienced Obamacare in Communist Vietnam a few years ago. It is the same, basically. About a hundred people stand in line for a few hours waiting to see a doctor. The doctor is paid the same for one patient or a hundred. Of course there are not enough doctors. The gov. controls everything. The hospitals are run down, and the people are treated like sheep.
 That is what the Democrats want.
 Romney  promised to stop Obamacare as soon as he takes office. We will hold him to that. Guess who I am voting for?

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