Monday, February 15, 2010

Take Back Washington Rally in N. Dakota

On Feb. 12, I received an email from Grover Norquist. He said to watch the live rally on I was really impressed. There are a lot of good decent conservatives in N. Dakota. I thought it was a strictly Democrat state, but the people there are worried about what the Obamacrats are doing to this country too.
About 1500 people attended this event. And, the US Representative from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann (R) made a speech. I was really impressed with her. She would be a good president for this country. Of course, as a good decent conservative, she is a target of socialist Nancy Pelosi. And, if she ran for president, she would be a target for the Liberal Democrat Media. A Republican candidate better be a saint-all their lives.
She turned down a chance to be on the Sean Hannity show in order to be at the TEA party-like rally in N. Dakota. She made the most impressive speech I have heard in a long time. No wonder she is so popular.
She talked about how Obama has spent 4 times as much as George W. Bush-and HE spent too much (remember when campaigning, Obama said Bush was spending too much money?). But, people have forgotten Obama's promises now. They didn't mean anything anyway.
If you can get to a computer, go to, click on videos, and you can still watch the rally. Inform yourself, so you know what is going on in this country