Thursday, February 21, 2008

Conservative Bill Sez: Star Wars a success!

Star Wars is a success! As I write this, it is Feb. 21/08, the day after the lunar eclipse, and when our military shot down a falling US spy satellite.
First, wasn't the eclipse amazing? The Creator made some beautiful things in this universe. Our kids are taught by the Darwinists in our schools, that there is no God, and everything happens by accident("evolves"). Oh sure, and Clinton never lies, pigs fly, and the moon is made of cheese.
I am thankful that the skies were clear, and we could watch the eclipse. It will be two years before it happens again.
The leftist/liberal media hardly mentioned our military shooting down the satellite. It doesn't fit their agenda. The leftists/liberals hate the military,which is conservative normally. Not to mention, the leftist media has been telling us for years that "Star Wars" technolgy is impossible. And, it only irritates other countries like Communist China (who has over 250 nukes aimed at us), Communist N. Korea, Muslim Iran, etc.
Well, our American scientists, and military, have made fools out of anyone who bad-mouthed their abilities. And, that includes the liberal Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Borack Hussein Obama, and others.
Now, if a foreign country thinks about sending atomic missiles this way to nuke our cities, they know we will shoot their missiles down, and send something back they would not be able to stop.
They would get nuked, and we would have target practice. I feel alot safer now.
It makes me proud to be American.

Conservative Bill Sez Did you see the lunar eclipse?

As I write this, it is the day after the lunar eclipse. All I can say is, WOW. That was fantastic! I enjoyed the Creator's light show very much.
It is kind of funny that with all of man's accomplishments, he cannot match the natural wonders that the Lord created. It shows who is really the master.
It is kind of pathetic that the godless Darwinists, and other evolutionists, say that all these amazing natural wonders happened by accident.
Anyone who believes that, must believe Clinton never told a lie, pigs fly, and the moon is made of cheese.