Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Rigged President Biden's Takeover

 The Democratic Socialists are turning America into a third world country. Not just by their rigged election, and constant propaganda on their TV shows. And their takeover of our schools, which have been teaching the kids that socialism is good. But, also by their complete control now of the TV, newspapers, internet, and the minds of ingnorant sheeple.

 Now that they put their leftist puppet, Joe Biden, in control, there are going to be some big changes. They are going to undue all the great things Trump has done for the country.Starting with Trump's lower taxes for all working Americans, and our freedom.

Trump did more in 47 months than Biden has done in 47 years. In fact what has Sleepy Joe done since he fist got elected in 1972? All he has done is get himself re-elected. Now that he has been illegally elected, by a rigged election, his goal is to start  undoing everything Trump has done for the country-such as bringing jobs back to the US and cause a booming stock market. 

 The future of America looks very bleak. Plan on higher taxes, a Democrat Depression-which will be blamed on Trump, and another war. Thanks to Biden, the national debt will soon be 30 trillion dollars, including bailouts for Democrat states who have nearly made themselves bankrupt for many years. Is Biden going to send 150 Billion bucks to Iran, like his partner Obama, did?

REAL President Trump tried to expose the Dems corrupt, rigged, election. But, all the Dems and half the Republicans, in the DC Swamp, wanted business back as usual. Now the bribes can start flowing again, and elections can be crooked from now on. 

 Forget ever having a Conservative Republican president again. The Trump hating Democrats, on their TV shows, are telling us to be happy about it. 

 Got beans? Don't expect the goverment to help you unless you are an illegal alien.

 God help us, please. 

"Conservative Bill" Ackerley

Sheridan, Wy



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