Friday, October 31, 2014

Matt Mead Voters Don't Care

Matt Mead is weaseling himself back into the governor's mansion, which he is remodeling-at our taxpayer's expense. We conservatives aren't happy. We could do better, but  Matt Mead voters don't care.
 Matt Mead voters don't care that he is bringing so-called refugees into Wyoming from the land of  Somali Pirates. I guess they think we don't have enough criminals in Wyoming. If those people are actually oppressed Christian refugees, it might be ok. But, we don't need terrorists here.
 As with other things that are going on, there will be no voting by the public.
  Matt Mead voters don't care that he made sure school teachers have tenure.
That means they can't be fired for being lousy teachers. Ever wonder why the kids are so ignorant these days?
 Matt Mead voters don't care that he has a campaign slogan that says he is standing against Obama's Policies-but he has allowed Common Core to take over our schools. It's a federal socialist takeover by Washington DC leftists.
 Matt Mead voters don't care that he said he is standing  against Obama's policies, but has helped establish Obamacare in Wyoming. People are losing their insurance and jobs, but Mead doesn't take the blame.
 Matt Mead voters don't care that he was the instigator of SF 104, which was the unconstitutional  attack on Superintendent Cindy Hill. And,  he replaced her with one of his out of state buddies. No vote was allowed.
 Matt Mead voters don't care that he raised the gas tax ten cents a gallon more, and the money is going to projects other than the roads.
 Matt Mead voters don't care that he attacked other candidates by saying they got money from the government for their ranches, when he does the exact same thing. Google it.
 Matt Mead voters don't care that he has allowed same sex marriage to become law in Wyoming. I never dreamed that would happen in the Republican state of Wyoming, where there are people who still believe in the Bible.
 Matt Mead voters don't care that he is a RINO. If anyone is still ignorant of what a RINO is, it means Republican In Name Only. Democrats like RINOs because they can vote for a Republican who is secretly a Democrat. And, the low-information voters don't know the difference.
 So, what do Matt Mead voters care about? They like his looks, and his slogans. They like his campaign ads that are about nothing but the history of Wyoming.
 I almost feel sorry for Pete Gosar, because I know Democrats who are voting for Matt Mead because he fits their agenda. They like RINOs who do the same things Democrats do.
 I saw the dirty attacks on Ron Micheli, by the Matt Mead people who said don't vote for him-he is a Mormon. Micheli would have been a good conservative governor.
 I also saw the dirty attacks on Taylor Haynes, by the Matt Mead people who said don't vote for him-he wants to drill for oil in the volcano called Yellowstone Park. Haynes, who is also an engineer, wanted to use the natural hot water there to heat the buildings in the winter. Instead of that, Matt Mead will be using tax money to run more power lines, underground, to the same buildings, which are increasing in number. Watch this after the election.
 When Matt Mead signs a bill, he is guilty of it. There are no excuses. But, he is going to have a lifetime job, as long as he wants. Especially as long as the Wyoming media supports him. Ignorance will keep him elected.
 We could have had better. But, we get the government we deserve.

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