Monday, September 24, 2012

Incompetent Obama

 Obama really torqued me off when he said: "If you have a business, you didn't build that, someone else did". I will always remember him for that. It is kind of like Clinton who is remembered for saying: "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman". Of course these guys are birds of a feather, except Obama is worse.
 I started working alongside grown men when I was 7. I started driving a tractor in the hay fields.
 When I was 19, I started becoming a businessman, when I bought a house, rented it out, and became a landlord. By the time I was 26, I owned 3 houses and a ranch. That was when I started my own excavating business, after helping someone start theirs. When I was 38, I starting my ranching business.
 Then, Obama, who has never even had a lemonade stand business, or a REAL job even, tells me I didn't build my business. What kind of pompous ass is he anyway?
 This guy has had everything handed to him all his life, and doesn't know what it's like to have renters who think you are a kid, so they don't have to pay their rent. Or have jealous competitors who try to destroy your excavating business, because you are lower priced and do better work.
 He only knew how to get someone else to pay for his college, and his political schemes. And, how to help ACORN make dead people and illegal aliens vote for Democrats.
 Now, he has admitted his "Hope and Change" baloney is nothing but Hype and Blame, when he said: "you can't change Washington from the inside". Wasn't he elected to change Washington from the inside? Was everything he said, to get elected, nothing but pure bull manure?
 If I had to pick one printable word to describe Obama, it would be Phony. However, the second would be Incompetent. Of course you can include Socialist, Abortionist, etc.
 Why anyone would vote for Obama again, and get 4 more years of the same, is baffling to me. Go figure.


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