Monday, February 2, 2009


Does anyone reading this realize how close we came to having a completely socialistic government? If the Dems had managed to get 6o seats in the Senate, they would have had unbridled control of this country.
With their Messiah in the White House, it would have been goodbye gun rights, goodbye Bush tax cuts--which people living on the backs of working taxpayers hate, and goodbye freedom.
Georgia had a re-vote in December. Chambliss, the Republican incumbent Senator, was Challenged by a Democrat. The Democrat had two Dems from the socialist state of Massachusetts stumping for him. Old drunken, skirt-chasing, Ted Kennedy, and self-confessed war criminal John Kerry (his picture still hangs in the "War Crimes Museum" in Saigon).
Chambliss had some good decent people rallying for him. One was "Wonder Woman" Sara Palin. She drew crowds in the thousands, to her speeches. One crowd numbered, according to a conservative news show, 60,000 people. Did you hear about this on your Democrat-controlled news shows? The Liberal Dems are scared of her. The only way they think they can keep her under their "glass ceiling", is to keep quiet about her popularity and accomplishments.
They said she couldn't be vice-president because 20 years ago her husband got a DUI. About the time Obama was smoking pot and snorting coke (I am sure he didn't inhale). Before the Bloggers call me a liar, read his book.
Now, we have learned that Obama's buddies, he gave White House jobs to, have been accused of tax cheating, trying to sell his Senate seat, voter fraud, etc. etc. Weren't these people properly "Vetted"?
Sara Palin was.

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