Saturday, August 16, 2008

What Did Obama's celebrity World Tour Cost The Taxpayers?

I have listened to the big shots in the leftist/liberal news media pant and sing their praises for the liberal Democrats' messiah, B. Hussein Obama. Especially for going on his Celebrity World Tour, of which they participated in.
We have heard about how "200 thousand Germans came to hear Obama's speech in Berlin". This is the country that brought us WWII, and wouldn't support us in the Iraq War-which about 75% of Americans wanted and nearly every single Democrat in Congress voted for.
I would like to know if it is true, as reported, that they were promised free beer for attending. Germans love beer.
We were deluged with praise for Obama from Charley Gibson, and the other news media celebrities in NBC, CBS, ABC, etc. What news reporting did McCain get? He was mentioned, for going to a senior citizens center of some kind. In other words, it was insinuated that he just appeals to old people.
Talk about discrimination. I thought the leftists in this country were against discrimination.
Why doesn't McCain get as much airtime as Obama? We all know why... he is not a Democrat.
Why didn't Obama go to Iraq for 925 days, since the one time he was there a few years before? Maybe he was too ashamed to face our troops. He voted in Congress to cut off their funding, and tried to stop the troop surge the Republicans wanted (which worked). And, he promises for force our soldiers to "cut and run" if he is elected. In fact, the Democrats, who vote to go to war, are the "Cut and Run Party".
I would like to know what this world tour cost the taxpayers. We may never know. I estimate it is in the millions. Our cost of his secret service security is $35,000 a day. But, no-one seems to care.
One thing you can trust B. Hussein Obama on is: he promises to increase taxes. That is what Democrats do anyway, he is not the first one. At least he doesn't lie about it, like ol' "Slick Willie" Clinton did.
One thing about it, these candidates bring out the true colors of the Democrat party. That is the only good thing Clinton did, and now the Democrats' messiah too. If people are smart enough to see it.

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